Special issue on Planetary Futures of Health and Wellbeing on the Journal of Futures Studies (JFS)

The participants of the Futures Conference 2022 had the opportunity to submit articles and reports to a special issue of the Journal of Futures Studies, which dealt with the themes of the conference.

The articles and reviews in the special issue highlight the need for systemic change as well as the consideration of multiple perspectives and multiple future scenarios in promoting planetary futures of health and wellbeing.

As editors, doctors Sari Puustinen and Matti Minkkinen (both from Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku) invite us to start exploring planetary futures with an open imagination and mindful of our place on this shared planet.

> Read the special issue of Journal of Futures Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, December 2023

Julkaissut ffrc

Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) is a multidisciplinary academic research, training, and development organisation. Our main goal is to create a responsible and sustainable future. Read more: www.utu.fi/ffrc.